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Warhammer Station Online Store

Badger Central 40K RTT - 02/8/2025- Warhammer Station's Champion Series

Badger Central 40K RTT - 02/8/2025- Warhammer Station's Champion Series

Regular price $20.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $20.00 USD
Sale Sold out

Event Info

Location: Badger Central Bookstore, College Union Building, 500 SW 24th Ave, Amarillo, TX 79109.

Date: 02/8/2025

Entry fee: $20 online / $25 at the door .

32 Spots available.

Rounds: 3 

Pairing method: 1st Round: Random. 2nd & 3rd: Win/Loss record then battle points

Tickets:  Purchase tickets on our website for $20, or on the day of the event for $25.

Event is operated through Best Coast Pairings. Please have the app downloaded and ready before the event starts. If you need help, please email

Event Schedule: Venue Open: 9:00 AM, Check in: 9:00 AM, First Round: 10:00 AM  Rounds are 2 hours and 30 minutes.

Painting Requirement: 10% of your force (200 points) is required to get the 10 points for battle ready. All players will start with the base 10 points for each event round. Heavily converted models, alternative 3d printed models, and placeholder models must be pre-approved by the Tournament Organizer (TO) before the list submission deadline. Please submit pictures and request approval to

Format: Tables are 44”x60”. Terrain layouts are GW Terrain layouts.  .  2000 Points, Strike Force battles. Missions are from the Pariah Nexus Tournament mission pool.

Game 1: Mission I

Game 2: Mission S

Game 3: Mission Q

GW Terrain Layout 5 will be used for this event.

Please keep score and optionally draw cards using the Tabletop Battles app.

In the event of an odd number of players, a bye player will be randomly chosen. This player will receive a win and 70 battle points. This player can choose to play a ringer.


First Place: Trophy, store credit, reserved spot in Championship tournament.

Second Place: Trophy and prize.

Third place: Trophy and prize. 

Player packet

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